In order to provide the best and most efficient support to you and your earners we have developed support teams that focus on the different sides of Checkr Pay. Our teams collaborate and communicate with each other to provide a holistic support experience regardless of the level of interaction anyone has with the Checkr Pay product. Here is an overview of our teams, and how to contact us.
Customer Operations (
This team focuses on understanding and supporting you, the Checkr Pay customer. We have built a dedicated Customer Help Center intended to provide you immediate answers to many of the questions that you may have. There you will also find links to the Checkr Pay API docs and batch file templates, as well as the Earner Legal center that answers many of the questions they may have about their Checkr Pay accounts. You can also submit a ticket to our team via the Help Center link.
Reasons you would reach out to the Customer Support team include (but are not limited to) :
- The Customer Dashboard
- Batch File and API call support
- Questions about payouts (to earners) and received payments (to your Checkr Pay account)
- Requests for our support team to reach out to an earner to clarify a process or assist them with anything Checkr Pay related
- Questions about the status of an earner, your earner’s accounts (within complaint reporting limits), and the status of a payout
- Reporting and working with the engineering and development teams on feedback about the Checkr Pay product and the user experience (yours and your earners)
If you as a Checkr Pay customer have any questions, please contact us at , or submit a ticket via the Customer Help Center. If an earner contacts you with an account-specific question, feel free to CC to hand the request off to our team for resolution.
Earner Experience (
This is the support channel for your earners. Here they can access our Earner Help Center where we have a collection of helpful articles and information about the Checkr Pay experience. If they have further questions or assistance there is also an option for them to submit a ticket, or start a live chat session during business hours (chat conversations initiated outside of business hours will be followed up on via email.)
Additionally, we offer live chat in the Checkr Pay wallet under the "More" tab. We are also working to add live chat to the wallet for earners who are in the process of activating their account and need assistance.
We also offer Spanish support via Help Center ticket submissions, as well as SMS texting support if they reply to one of the automated messages we send regarding their account.