If you are adding multiple earners to the platform, or paying multiple earners at one time, submitting batch files is often an easier method than doing them one at a time. All Batch files are submitted using a CSV file, so we recommend saving the templates in your preferred spreadsheet software. Then when you are ready to create a Batch file, simply enter the relevant information, download a CSV copy of that file, and submit it via the Checkr Pay Dashboard.
To prevent duplications (especially with payouts) the system will reject a batch file if another has previously been uploaded with the same file name. To prevent this ensure that each batch file has a unique name.
Checkr Pay supports three types of batch files:
Earner Batch Files (to create new Earners)
Payout Batch Files (to issue new Payouts to existing Earners)
1099 Tax Batch Files (to report earnings not paid through Checkr Pay)
Earner Batches
For earner batches, there are a few more formatting considerations to remember. If you are using the Background Check ID, then in the piiType column you must enter “backgroundCheckId” with that exact formatting.
If you are manually entering the earner's information, then in the piiType column you must enter “manual” with no capitals. Additionally, you will need to enter the earner's SSN including the dashes. Example “123-45-6798”
The columns represented below all have to be present in the resulting file that you submit. However, not every column needs to be populated with data.
- metadata - Optional - This is an internal identifier that you use on your internal systems to identify earners. If you populate this field you can use either this field or the Checkr Pay Id that is generated to issue payouts via the dashboard or batch files. Please note that this MUST be a unique value for each of your earners. You won't be able to re-use metadata if you end your partnership with an earner.
- piiType - Required - Indicates how Checkr Pay systems will populate the earner's PII. Valid values are backgroundCheckId, or manual
- backgroundCheckId - Required if piiType is listed as backgroundCheckId. This is the Checkr background check candidate ID. This field will be ignored if the piiType is manual, but the column needs to be present.
- ssn - Optional - If populated this field is for the earner's SSN.
- firstName - Optional - If populated this field is for the earner's first name
- lastName - Optional - If populated this field is for the earner's last name
- dateOfBirth - Optional - If populated this field is for the earner's date of birth
- phoneNumber - Required - This field MUST be populated with the earner's current phone number. This will be used for two-factor authentication when they activate their account
- email - Required - This field MUST be populated with the earner's current email address. This will be used for two-factor authentication when they activate their account.
Below is a template that you can copy and paste into your preferred spreadsheet software for ease of filing. Please be sure to remove the formatting placeholders listed here. When you have finished entering the information into your template, you are ready to export to a CSV file for submission on the dashboard. The highlighted columns are REQUIRED fields.
metadata | piiType | backgroundCheckId | ssn | firstName | lastName | dateOfBirth | phoneNumber | |
Meta1 | backgroundCheckId | 5b030291fa2ffcdb1c68512e | 15555555555 | test@test.com | ||||
Meta2 | manual | 123-45-6789 | John | Smith | 05/30/2000 | 15555555555 | test@test.com |
Payout Batches
For payout batches, you can either identify the earner using metadata which is your own custom ID (as long as it was submitted when you activated the earner), or the Checkr Pay ID that was returned to you by our system when you created the earner.
- requestId - Required - If this field is included in the batch file (its inclusion is optional), then the field must be populated. This field must contain globally unique values (this value cannot be repeated either within a batch file or between batch files). The value could be a duplicate of the payoutMetadata field if payoutMetadata meets these requirements. This field enables a uniqueness check (idempotency check) to prevent duplicate processing of payout lines. While optional, inclusion of this field is recommended.
- workerIdType - Required - This field MUST be populated with metadata (the unique identifier from your system) or checkrPayId (the ID that was returned by our system when you added the earner to the platform). Note that what you enter here must determine the next two columns that will need to be populated
- workerCheckrPayId - If you entered checkrPayId in the previous column, this field MUST be populated with the earner's Checkr Pay Id (returned when you added the earner, can be found on the worker's tab on the dashboard)
- workerMetadata - If you entered metadata in the first column, this field MUST be populated with the metadata you provided when adding the earner to the platform. This is a unique Id that you use to identify earners in your system (and is optional when adding earners to the platform)
- amountCents - Required - This is the amount you want to issue to the earner. Please note that this amount is entered in cents, i.e. if you enter 150, the earner will be issued $1.50.
- description - Required - This field MUST be populated with a description for the payout that will be displayed to the earner in the Checkr Pay wallet. Examples can be the job they worked, or the date, number of hours, and pay rate for a job that was worked. Please note that this information is displayed in the Checkr Pay wallet as well as on paystubs. Providing quality information (such as date the shift was worked) can reduce questions to your team about whether an earner was paid for a specific shift.
- payoutMetadata - Optional - This field can be populated with a unique custom payment Id for your records. Checkr Pay does not use this information for any record or tracking purposes.
Below is a template that you can copy and paste into your preferred spreadsheet software for ease of filing. Please be sure to remove the formatting placeholders listed here. When you have finished entering the information into your template, you are ready to export to a CSV file for submission on the dashboard. The highlighted columns are REQUIRED fields.
requestId | workerIdType | workerCheckrPayId | workerMetadata | amountCents | description | payoutMetadata |
965d2e-47ab-41c6-3021-c962b418aacd | metadata | MyCustomID | 150 | My $1.50 payout. | 965d2e-47ab-41c6-3021-c962b418aacd | |
465d2e-54cb-61c6-01cc-3d62b418aa27 | checkrPayId | 68c15595-47ab-41c6-bc91-84a2b418dba9 | 2500 | My $25.00 payout for shift ID 1234. | 465d2e-54cb-61c6-01cc-3d62b418aa27 |
After preparing the CSV file, navigate to the "Payouts" tab and click the "Batch Payment" button in the top right of the dashboard. This will open another window that allows you to schedule when the batch will be processed. Scheduling a batch can be helpful if you want time to audit the files before they are submitted, or if you want to process payouts throughout the week for submission later.
You will start by selecting "Choose File" and then uploading your CSV file. You can then select a future date and time you wish for the Batch to be processed. Note that the time entered is in your local time zone, and the batches will process in five-minute intervals (so in the example the time of 10:31 would be processed at 10:35). If you do not need or want to schedule the batch for a future date, you can leave the "Scheduled Processing Date" field at the default and the batch will process on the next 5-minute interval.
If you do schedule a batch file for later, it will show on the Checkr Pay dashboard in a "Pending" status. You will be able to download the file that is submitted or cancel the batch if you find an error. Please note that if you cancel a scheduled file, you will need to upload a new file for the earners to receive their payouts. The duplicate file name logic will still apply, however, so you will need to change the name of the new file (e.g. Updated_file name)
After the batch file is submitted (whether instantly or scheduled for later), you will be able to download a status file (by clicking on the download icon next to the batch file on the Dashboard) letting you know that the batch has been processed. The attached file will also list the payment amounts in cents, the same way that it was submitted. You will also be able to see if there were any errors returned along with a description so any corrections can be made.
If there were errors in the processed file and you need to make corrections, please make sure you do the following:
- Remove the successfully processed entries to avoid double paying
- Correct the errors that were included in the file you downloaded and reviewed from the dashboard
- Give the new file an updated and unique name
1099 Tax Batches
Checkr Pay users can add additional income that was earned external to the Checkr Pay platform, or give other directives on how Checkr Pay should handle taxes. Below are the fields needed to develop a CSV file used for bulk actions for Checkr Pay:
- workerIdType - Required - This field MUST be populated with checkrPayId
- workerCheckrPayId - Required - This field MUST be populated with the earner's Checkr Pay Id (returned when you added the earner, or you can find this value on the worker's tab in the dashboard)
- nonPlatformEarningsAmount - Optional - This is the total amount of earnings in cents that an earner made before being migrated to the Checkr Pay platform. Thus, $500.00 should be expressed as 50000. Please do not include commas or currency symbols.
- overrideTotalEarningsAmount - Optional - Populating a value in this column instructs Checkr Pay to ignore the on-platform Checkr Pay earnings and any external earnings supplied, and instead just use this number, which is expressed in cents. Thus, $500.00 should be expressed as 50000. Please do not include commas or currency symbols.
- manuallyExcluded - Optional - Set this to "true" to exclude the worker from bulk tax actions taken in the Tax Wizard.
- hyphenatedLastName - Optional - Set this to "true" if your earner's surname should appear hyphenated on the finalized 1099 PDF.
Below is a template that you can copy and paste into your preferred spreadsheet software for ease of filing. Please be sure to remove the formatting placeholders listed here. When you have finished entering the information into your template, you are ready to export to a CSV file for submission on the dashboard. The highlighted columns are REQUIRED fields.
workerIdType | workerCheckrPayId | manuallyExcluded | hyphenatedLastName | overrideTotalEarningsAmount | nonPlatformEarningsAmount |
checkrPayId | 68c15595-47ab-41c6-bc91-84a2b418dba9 | 50000 | |||
checkrPayId | 5aac3455-47ab-41c6-bc91-84a2b418dbff | true | |||
checkrPayId | aab68c15-47ab-41c6-bc91-84a2b418dba5 | true | 50000 | ||
checkrPayId | 7ab68595-c154-41c6-4a2b-bc918418dba9 | 50000 |